On 24 June seven aspiring NULC (Newcastle-under-Lyme College) A Level accounting students took part in the 2015 CIPFA (Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy) Sixth Form Management Games at Staffordshire University.
CIPFA is one of the leading professional accountancy bodies in the UK and the only one that specialises in the public sector.
The game involves the students adopting the various roles that make up the management team of a fictitious public body dealing with very real issues such as major cuts in funding whilst at the same time remaining accountable to the communities in which they operate.
The day was an excellent introduction to the world of work and a way of developing and strengthening teamwork, leadership, management and organisational skills. The introduction of new and unexpected challenges throughout the game also allowed students to develop the skills required to deal effectively with time pressure, strict deadlines and uncertain outcomes.
Richard Simpson, NULC’s Curriculum Leader for A Level Accounting said: “Our students were fantastic, they engaged with some very demanding problems in a really positive and collaborative way and achieved some very credible outcomes. All the students found the day a challenging but very rewarding experience."
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(Picture from L-R: Andrew Lewis, Stuart Leat, Kain Davies, Maddie Sykes, Elanor Baddeley, Chris Bowers and Amy Moriarty)
(Picture from L-R: Andrew Lewis, Stuart Leat, Kain Davies, Maddie Sykes, Elanor Baddeley, Chris Bowers and Amy Moriarty)